
About The Site

The Beginning

Building a site from scratch had always been daunting to me, but I can pinpoint the moment I no longer felt intimidated by it because my interest in creating my own site became so great it outweighed any doubt I had in myself.

I was browsing Cohost and I saw a post about a personal site, heavenonline.xyz, and I was so mesmerized by the creativity, uniqueness, and personality in it that I needed to make something that expressive myself. I saw that some people they had linked on their site were hosting on Neocities, and I had seen Neocities before but never got into it because I felt that my coding knowledge was not quite there yet in the past, but now I was so ambitious that those thoughts vanished.


Aside from the site listed above, these are other sites that were major inspirations for the creation and direction of ABYSSAL.

Dimden's Hotel - The hotel concept inspired me to make my site feel like a place visitors could rest at. I was also very in awe of Dimden's layout and interactive-ness (click on stuff around the site!).

Grossgirl94 - Grossgirl's site is so punk-rock. I love the digital closet that it is and the pieces of music, art, and journal entries V shares there. It inspired me to also search the more hidden corners of the internet for music.

Cinni's Dream Home - Cinni's website has got a lot of resources and cool things to check out. The name "Dream Home" inspired me to make my own site a place that felt like home, and a place I could retreat to relax in.

Doqmeat - Doqmeat's site is such a cool personal site that clearly has a lot of time and love put into it! The creative ways they share their interests inspired me to do the same, such as with their music page and fun tooltips.

Solaria's Webspace - Solaria's got a ton of really helpful guides and resources that have been so helpful! I also enjoy reading their blog, and it inspired me to start blogging again.

Lost Letters - Lost Letters inspired me to get into pixel art again, with the Afternoon Tea pixel club. I also learned about the Responsive Web Directory through her site, which I plan on joining one day!

Lunospace - This is the site that inspired the desktop theme for my homepage v3! I was wowed by the draggable windows and the styling of everything, and it really spoke to my personal aesthetic as well.


100% Hand-coded

Previewed in Brackets [!]

Hosted on Neocities

Deployed using Burned-Salmon's template

Github Repository


I do not have a strong grasp on javascript yet, so anything that uses it on this site is borrowed from people kind enough to share tutorials and snippets online.

Hit and online counter Used: home page

Display last update and visitor count on Neocities by Sadness Used: home page

Font-size and line-height changer by QueenofArms Used: blog page

Lightbox Script by Jasmine Was used: art gallery (not anymore but thought some might want to check it out)

Draggable Div by Ospider on stackoverflow Used: about page

Draggable HTML Content tutorial on w3schools Used: about page

Music Player by Adilene (source code by Sayantanm19) Used: home page

Theme Switcher by Squidknees Used: home and blog pages

Style-my-tooltips by Malihu (git) Used: everywhere

Widgets and Others

HTML Journal by M15o Creates Atom Feed for your page. Used: Ship Log

HTML Blog by M15o Creates Atom Feed for your blog. Used: Blog

Comment Widget by Ayano(Virtual Observer) Used: guestbook

Moderation Mod for Ayano's Comment Widget by Frills Used: guestbook

Chat Box by cbox Used: home page



Galmuri by Quiple Nintendo DS-inspired font

Easvhs by Rurr

Doctor Glitch by Woodcutter


Haunting Attraction by Sinister Fonts

Midnight Minutes by rvst

October Crow by Sinister Fonts

Who Asks Satan by Font Monger

Bad Coma by Imagex


Dharma Punk by Junkohanhero

Greyhood by Ephemera Fonts

Valtin by Typeface Studio

Kiss Kiss by Misti's Fonts

Lovesick by Astigmatic One Eye Typographic Institute

Angel Wish by Stringlabs

JMH Typewriter by Jorge Moron

Rock of Times by Woodcutter

White On Black by Imagex

Hit me, punk! by Junkohanhero


DK Lemon Yellow Sun by Hanoded

Love in You by Prast Art


Gifcities For a lot of my page decor/icons

Tiled Backgrounds by Sadness

Cursors from Cursors-4u

Pngs for Snails on tumblr Various page decor

Horror Graphics from Sleepy Sage

Halloween Graphics from A R T W O R K

The Beast by kurohv Noir theme pagedoll

! I've lost where I found the fairy pagedoll, if anyone knows the source, please lmk

Sun on Gifcities Golden theme pagedoll

Mystical Crystal on 99GIF Shop Cyber Grape theme pagedoll

Cloud Pixel by strobelast Sky theme pagedoll

Biohazard Symbol from Gifcities Toxic Waste theme pagedoll

Flower Pixel by thos-beans Peonies theme pagedoll