hall of rock

How to join:
- Download the template and open in your program of choice
- Create your guitar design! Feel free to draw outside the lines + animate ;)
- Your guitar can be as wide as you want but please try to keep the height around 140px!
- Save your design with a transparent background and send me a link to your image and site via the comment box above, my Neocities Profile, or email (leviathrain@proton.me)
And that's it! I will add your guitar in time.

Collecting Guitars:
- If you see a guitar you'd like to display on your own site, you must link it back to its owner!
Do I have to have a site to join?
- No! You can send me your guitar anyways and include how you want to be credited/linked, whether that simply be your name/user or a social media profile.