
you've wandered into a journal. read? >>>

  • hello

    here are my thoughts. don't mind them too much, they come and go faster than i can write and this is where i try to make them coherent for my future self to read.

    oct 10, 2023

    revamped the notebook page into a diary and log hub. thinking of how i wanted to set this up took a lot of time because i kept getting distracted watching the youtube videos and movies playing in the rooms i was coding in.

    this is my greenhouse

  • pothos

    Pothos are my longest standing successes when it comes to houseplant keeping.

    These pothos all came from a single stem of pothos that had about like, 5 leaves max that I got at a plant sale at my college in my freshman year.

    This was actually taken a few years ago now, so there were even more propagations by the time I moved away and left them behind (accidentally).

    I usually just put the cuttings in a jar of water and set it in front of a window or somewhere where it would get decent light and that's it. They thrive like that. This time I've got pothos in soil, which I haven't done before so hopefully I don't manage to over-water them or under-sun them.


    Ferns are my worst track record when it comes to dying plants. I'm not kidding, every single fern I've had, which is like, 3, has died. I thought I was a pretty decent plant keeper until I started trying to raise ferns.

    I've got mine right next to my humidifier and I think it's getting enough sun; it isn't right by a window that gets a ton of sun but I make sure it's not in too dark of a corner. It already has a bunch of leaves that are darker green in color and they feel a little dry, but not quite crispy.