Web Revival
The Web Revival is a collective of movements aiming to move away from a corporate-controlled web and towards a "spirit of opennes and fresh excitement", free from ads and hostile debate culture. I believe we can make the web a fun, friendly, and creative place again.
Instead of attacking those with differing opinions right out the gate, I believe we should practice approaching conversations and conflict with open ears and good faith intentions.
bigots fuck off
safe web spaces
Disclaimer out of the way, movements that focus on building the independent web are not trying to go back to the wild west days of the internet where moderation was nonexistent and bigotry was rampant, but rather create resources and communities to appreciate and revive the personal web culture that we kinda lost with the rise of social media platforms and corporate takeover. There are plenty of these spaces that build on this now-retro concept but strive to uphold progressive, inclusive ideals.
One such space is the 32-Bit Cafe, a community of web enthusiasts working together to build a fun, friendly place on the internet dedicated to learning and sharing resources. Their Discourse Forum is now open!
What's new
Latest site update:
Aug 1, 2024 - Lowered contrast for light and dark themes, added more writing to homepage, fixed small visuals. Updated archives and sitemap.
Create a site! Express yourself to the fullest! Connect with others! Control what you browse!
You can code too
I learned how to code back in 2020 by messing around with tumblr themes. Fiddling with stuff and seeing what changed visually when I changed something in the code is basically how I started. Lots of trial and error, and eventually I began watching youtube tutorials and using w3schools when I wanted to be able to do more advanced things. Just getting familiar with the basics will make everything a lot less daunting! I'm sure you can find plenty of resources on your own, but if you need some pointers on where to begin, I have some coding resources listed there to help you get started.
If you're curious about how I built my site, you can look at my disheveled code on github, from which it is deployed to neocities using Miss Moss's template.
See my credits page to find code snippets provided by other people that i used across my site.