What's The Web Revival?
The Web Revival is a movement that encourages weaving creativity and humanity into how we use the internet. This can look like making a unique personal website to express yourself and surfing other homemade websites, centering people over corporations.
Good Web Manners
Fast-paced social media platforms seem to have normalized jumping to conclusions and being hostile towards each other at the slightest disagreement. I think we should give grace to one another and approach conversations with good faith and a willingness to reach an understanding, rather than assuming a well-meaning person is attacking others.
Bigots Fuck Off
This site does not welcome bigots of any kind. As a minority, it is not my job to put myself in harms way, emotionally or physically, to educate or reach an understanding with people that see me as an abomination, a danger, or otherwise subhuman. There are some who are willing to do so, and I commend and support them for that, but I am not willing to deal with it in my digital haven, therefore hate speech and unsafe links will be removed from the chatbox and guestbook for the safety and comfort of visitors and myself.
Safe Web Spaces
Disclaimer out of the way, movements surrounding the independent web are not trying to recreate the wild west days of the internet where moderation was nonexistent and bigotry was rampant, but rather create resources and communities to appreciate and revive the fresh excitement of the early internet and inject it into the personal web with the tools we have in the modern era.
One such space I always recommend is the 32-Bit Cafe, a community of web enthusiasts working together to build a fun, friendly place on the internet dedicated to learning and sharing resources. Their Discourse Forum is now open!
You Can (and should!) Code Too
I learned how to code back in 2020 by messing around with tumblr themes. Fiddling with stuff and seeing what changed visually when I changed something in the code is basically how I started. Lots of trial and error, and eventually I began watching YouTube tutorials and using w3schools when I wanted to be able to do more advanced things. Just getting familiar with the basics will make everything a lot less daunting! I'm sure you can find plenty of resources on your own, but if you need some pointers on where to begin, I have some coding resources listed there to help you get started.
See my credits page to find code snippets provided by other people that I used across my site.

This site changes from time to time, so if you've visited before and something looks broken now, try refreshing. If it still looks wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it as soon as I can!